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Insights and Advice


Updated: Apr 14, 2020

The general interview advice from my previous post still applies. This is additional info specific to video interviews.

  1. Ensure you are familiar with the technology platform being used and that any necessary software has been downloaded (or updated) prior to the scheduled interview time.

  2. Make sure you have a strong internet connection.

  3. Check the video produced by your camera to confirm you are clearly visible and easily understood. Adjust light and audio settings as necessary. The location should be private, quiet, and well-lit. Double check your personal image (clothing, hair, etc.) to make sure you appear appropriate professionally. Make sure there isn't anything confidential or too personal visible in the background.

  4. If you are using a laptop or cellphone (rather than a desktop), make sure your battery is fully charged and/or that the charger is available nearby.

  5. Reduce background distractions. This includes pets, children, roommates, televisions, and anything else that can move or make sound. Set your cell phone and any other technology not being used to silent.

  6. Close other applications and web browser tabs to reduce distractions and battery usage.

  7. Have your research on the company and position nearby, plus something to write down additional notes or questions you might have.

  8. Have a glass of water (or other beverage) within reach, along with tissues.

  9. Take a second to pause before responding to avoid interrupting the interviewer.

  10. Get there first - tune in before your scheduled time to ensure you aren't late.

Again, the interview advice from my other post still applies... Sell yourself, be professional, and follow up afterwards.

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As someone who has worked with transfer students in college admissions as well as with individuals seeking employment, I cannot stress enough the importance of making sure a school has regional accreditation before beginning a program of study. Many companies do not recognize degrees from nationally accredited schools. And almost all regionally accredited schools won't recognize coursework from nationally accredited schools.

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Updated: Apr 13, 2020

  1. Sell yourself. Your primary objective should be to obtain an employment offer. Learn the specific traits and qualities they are seeking in a successful candidate, then provide your related experience and qualifications.

  2. Be yourself. Hiring authorities make offers to candidates that make them feel secure. Relax and be yourself. Listen attentively, be helpful and optimistic, gather information, and demonstrate your intelligence. Skills get you in the door, chemistry gets you the job.

  3. Make the best first impression possible. Dress for success. Smile. Make eye contact.

  4. Prepare yourself by researching the company, the position, and the hiring authorities ahead of time.

  5. Take the high road. Don't speak negatively about previous or current employers. Avoid blaming, as it will backfire.

  6. Ask questions. Find out what they are looking for as it relates to prior experience, education, training, etc. Ask what they'd want to see you accomplish within the first six months.

  7. Respond by demonstrating your skills in a claim-feature-benefit method: "I've had experience..." State what you've done and how it would benefit them.

  8. If you're working with a recruiter, they should have prepped you on most of the details of the job - why it's open, what the job duties will entail, what the company is like, etc. It doesn't hurt to go over information again, though, to ensure details weren't lost or twisted somehow.

  9. Don't bring up salary. If the hiring authority asks about salary or insists on getting a salary range from you, respond by letting them know you are sincerely interested in the opportunity. State that you would be a great asset to their team and able to make an immediate contribution. Comment about how you are looking for a great fit with a respected organization. Try not to give them a numerical value. Your recruiter is there to assist you throughout salary and benefit negotiations, should you receive an offer of employment.

  10. Conclude the interview by asking, "Is there anything else I can tell you to help you make your decision?" and "Is there anything else you'd like to know about me?" Hopefully, they'll ask if you have additional questions, and you can gather whatever remaining information you might need. Then state, "Based on everything you've told me today, I am very interested in this opportunity and I am confident I'll succeed."

  11. Call your recruiter once the interview is over to give your immediate feedback and plan for the next step.

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